Tax Chats
Taxes touch every aspect of society, including who rules, where factories are built, what people drink, what car they buy, when they have children, and when they die. Scott Dyreng (Duke) and Jeff Hoopes (UNC), two accounting professors, chat about taxes, including current events, with the energy of an over-caffeinated chihuahua. Listening is guaranteed to be far more entertaining than actually paying your taxes.
157 episodes
Re-release: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Tax Perjury Trial: A conversation with Edgar Dyer
This episode originally aired on January 15, 2022. We are releasing it for Martin Luther King day, January 20, 2025. If you already heard it and don't wish to hear it again, skip it!Martin Luther King Jr. is the only person to have eve...
Season 1
Episode 144
Low Property taxes in California: Chatting about Prop 13 with Dan Walters
Jeff and Scott chat with Dan Walter's, an Opinion Columnist for CalMatters. They chat about Prop 13, a law that dramatically limits property tax increases in California, and was passed in 1978. Dan has been writing about California since 1975, ...
Season 1
Episode 143
Democrats Lowering the Income Tax in Hawaii! A Chat with Seth Colby
Jeff and Scott chat with Seth Colby, a Tax Research and Planning Officer for the State of Hawaii. They discussed a recent policy change in Hawaii, where Hawaii dramatically reduced income tax rates, while increasing sales taxes, in an effort to...
Season 1
Episode 143
The Regulation of Paid Tax Preparers: A Conversation with John Treu
Jeff and Scott chat with West Virginia University accounting professor, and lawyer, John Treu, about the regulation of paid tax preparers, including John's empirical evidence that they improve return quality and the Loving case.
Season 1
Episode 142
Re-release: Are Craisins Candy? Must have tax information before Thanksgiving
Scott and Jeff discuss what constitutes candy, for sales tax purposes, in North Carolina. The discussion ends with the verdict on craisins--are they candy? Scott is quizzed on other types of food and whether they are candy, and, scores a perfec...
Season 1
Episode 141
Tax Notes: A Chat with Tax Analysts CEO Cara Griffith
Jeff and Scott chat with Cara Griffith, CEO of Tax Analysts about Tax Notes, the main product of Tax Analysts. Tax Notes is a tax practitioner publication catering to tax professionals, and Jeff and Scott talk about who reads Tax Notes, how con...
Season 1
Episode 140
Electric Car Subsidies in the IRA: A Chat with Felix Tintelnot
Jeff and Scott chat with Felix Tintelnot about electric cars, and the subsidies they were given before the IRA, and in the IRA. We learn that because electric cars are heavier and therefore more likely to crush you to death if they crash into y...
Season 1
Episode 139
Certifying Fairness? A Chat with Fair Tax Foundation's CEO Paul Monaghan
Jeff and Scott chat with Paul Monaghan, the CEO of the Fair Tax Foundation. The Fair Tax Foundation certifies companies for paying a "good" amount of tax, focusing on the spirit of the law rather than the ...
Season 1
Episode 138
Cement and Carbon Taxes: A Chat with Marcel Olbert and Daniel Klein
Jeff and Scott chat with Marcel Olbert, assistant professor of accounting at London Business School, and Daniel Klein, assistant to the CFO at Heidelberg Materials. They discuss carbon taxes, and a new paper Marcel has on carbon leakage. They a...
Season 1
Episode 137
Deadly Tax Protests in Kenya: A chat with Nana Ama Sarfo
Jeff and Scott chat with Nana Ama Sarfo, a contributing editor with Tax Notes, with a special interest in covering taxes in the developing world. They chat about the recent deadly tax protests in Kenya, where a tax increase on basic life staple...
Season 1
Episode 136
Taxing Traffic? A Chat About Congestion Pricing with Matthew Tarduno
Jeff and Scott chat with economist and professor Matthew Tarduno about the problems that automobile traffic causes, and different ways that have been devised to solve the problem (including tax-adjacent ways!). Get CPE for listenin...
Season 1
Episode 135
Utah State Tax Policy: A Chat with Senator Daniel McCay
Jeff and Scott chat with Senator Daniel McCay, chairman of the Utah Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee, about how he thinks about tax policy, what the objectives of tax policy are, and how he thinks Utah is doing tax-wise.Get CPE for...
Season 1
Episode 134
The Power to Destroy: A Chat with Michael Graetz about his new book
Jeff and Scott chat with Michael Graetz, Professor Emeritus of Law at Yale, about his new book, The Power to Destroy: How the Antitax Movement Hijacked America. We talk about the start of the anti-tax movement with the opposition to property ta...
Season 1
Episode 133
Overturning Chevron: A Chat about the Loper Bright decision with Andy Grewal
Jeff and Scott talk with Iowa law professor Andy Grewal about the recent Supreme Court case, Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, which effectively eliminates Chevron deference. They discuss the ramifications for tax and non-tax administ...
Season 1
Episode 132
Taxocracy: A Chat with Scott Hodge about his new book
Jeff and Scott talk with Scott Hodge (who is revealed to be a more authentic "Scott" than Scott Dyreng), CEO Emeritus to the Tax Foundation. They discuss his new book, "
Season 1
Episode 131
Moore with Daniel Hemel
In this episode, Jeff and Scott chat once more with Daniel Hemel. In the past we have spoken with Daniel about taxing stock buybacks (episode #79) and Donald Trump's tax returns (episode #80). This time we talk about the carefully watched supre...
Season 1
Episode 130
Thoreau Disobeys: A Chat about Thoreau and Taxes with Laura Dassow Walls
Henry David Thoreau famously refused to pay his poll tax and went to jail (very briefly) as a result. Jeff and Scott chat with Laura Dassow Walls, emerita English professor at Notre Dame and author of Henry David Thoreau: A Life,...
Season 1
Episode 129
All You Could Ever Want to Know about the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) with Jacob Bastian
Jeff and Scott chat with Jacob Bastian, assistant professor of Economics at Rutgers, about the earned income tax credit (EITC). Get CPE for listening to Tax Chats! Free CPE courses are available approximately one week after episode...
Season 1
Episode 128
Taxes and Online Sports Betting: A Chat with Nathan Goldman
Jeff and Scott talk to Nathan Goldman, accounting professor at North Carolina State University (completing the tax triangle between UNC, Duke, and NC State!)., about taxes and online sports betting. Sports betting was recently legalized i...
Season 1
Episode 127
The Budget Lab at Yale: A Chat with Martha Gimbel
Scott and Jeff chat with Martha Gimbel, executive director of The Budget Lab at Yale University. W...
Season 1
Episode 126
Free Tax Filing from Code for America: A Chat with Gabriel Zucker
Jeff and Scott chat with Gabriel Zucker about Code for America's efforts to enable better access to free tax filing, both at the federal level, and, facilitating state tax filing as the IRS roles out its direct filing program.Get CPE fo...
Season 1
Episode 125
Tax Resistance and Revolution: A Chat about the Indian Salt March with Partho Shome
Jeff and Scott chat with Partho Shome about taxes in the colonial era in India, especially the excise tax on salt. They then discuss how these taxes lead to the famous "salt march" led by Mahatma Gandhi, which ultimately lead to Indian In...
Season 1
Episode 124
How many pages are in the tax code? Jeff and Scott Chat about tax code complexity
Recorded on April 15, Jeff and Scott Chat about tax code complexity. Why is the tax code so complex? Is it because life is complex? Because we have chosen to hone the tax code to achieve certain social goals? Jeff and Scott chat about it all in...
Season 1
Episode 123
Tax Deductions for Charitable Giving: A Chat with Nic Duquette
Scott and Jeff chat with Nic Duquette, Professor of Public Policy at the University of Southern California. We discuss charitable giving, tax deductions related to charitable gi...
Season 1
Episode 122
Cordell Hull, Father of the Income Tax: A Chat with Tracey Roberts
Jeff and Scott chat with Samford University law professor Tracey Roberts about Cordell Hull. Hull was a senator, secretary of state, and, won the Nobel Prize for his role in creating the United Nations. However, he also had a substantial role i...
Season 1
Episode 122