Tax Chats

Tax Tune - A Way to Pay Taxes (re-release)

Dyreng and Hoopes Season 1 Episode 115

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A Way to Pay Taxes (to the tune of Away in the Manger)
Re-release (originally released Christmas, 2021)

Lyrics by Jeff Hoopes, Sung by Stacey Hoopes

Oh Joseph and Mary
They were there for a task
They came to the city
To pay their tax
But as they remitted 
The tax on their worth
Oh Mary, a virgin
She had to give birth

 They went to the city
By Caesa­r’s decree
As taxes touched Joseph
They affect you and me
When we give birth
and when we die
How much we work
And what car we buy 

 For every decision
We weigh how we act
By counting the cost
And we do it post-tax 
The pros and the cons
In dollars and cents
We consider the taxes
Before we commence